Signup for an A.G.E.R.A Membership to join Atlanta Gambian Emergency Relief Association, as we strive for Excellence and Community Advancement.
We the Gambians living in The Greater Atlanta, Georgia Area do realize and acknowledge the fact that we are a growing population and do feel that it’s highly necessary to form an organization to cater to the needs of our growing population. We have come together to form an Association called Atlanta Gambian Emergency Relief Association with the acronym A.G.E.R.A. The purpose of A.G.E.R.A is to bring Gambians together to discuss and find solutions to issues pertinent to us as a people and community.
1. In an emergency situation, like death in the family, paying members will receive additional help with funding, logistics and emotional support as stipulated in the disbursement guidelines. Beneficiaries or next of kin include spouse, children and parents of the paying member
2. Medical and Financial Hardship
3. Discounts at AGERA Programs
Get in touch HERE
We believe that we can work together in terms of our community organizations and exchange ideas that are fruitful for the community’s progress and eventual success. Cultural awareness Continue to create cultural programs that inspire our children and enhance their knowledge of SeneGambian culture. Education and involvement of our children in all programs AGERA will continue to advocate for the importance of education within our Community and the involvement of our children in community work. Encourage volunteerism and a sense of giving back to the community. Build human networks to education, employment, business to improve our quality of life.